As much as every school year is unpredictable, aqueous and complimentary, each with their own chorus and melody, they are all dependent on one thing- relationships. While some days are eventful and exciting, others are monotone. Not every day can be a roller-coaster ride. Many are rides on the merry-go-round. It is the optimism and passion, the thrill of the ride, that sets the tone. As consistent and repetitive as merry-go-rounds can be, you still have options: horse or carriage, tall or short pony, pink or white mane. This is why each time the music stops and a new batch of riders, runs to their 'spot,' the excitement elevates. As the organ chimes, to begin the round-about, smiles cross every face. Everyone is ready to begin, it increases in speed, then as it slows, the landscape becoming permanent once again, passengers disembark not with sadness, but with a contentedness, that the experience was worthwhile. This is what great teachers do, they make a merry-go-round as exciting as the tallest of free falls.
I observe, with a calm spirit, knowing I made an impact. Last day of school, last class period of 2017-2018.
Desks Pushed to the Middle
The classroom an ocean, both salty and agitated, but also hyper with an energy, felt no where else. There is a buoyancy to their humor, each student drifting on the surface, some on flotation devices, some on their backs looking up at the sky. A lightness, simplicity is in the air. There is no more pressure of exams or grades. Just a few minutes of hovering and bobbing before, the last bell of the year rings out. Desks, once spread out across the tile floor are now centered, each touching one another, forming a pier, in the middle, of the empty room. Students are converging on it, climbing on the slate tables. It looks like a playground, rather than a classroom.
Giggles and hugs begin. One student starts to count down-"Ten seconds until we are no longer 7th graders...ten, nine, eight," the rest of the class chimes in. The anticipation is growing, it is palatable. Some run over and hug me, others crowd around the door. The bell rings and like bands of surfers, they ride out into the hallway, most turning around, for one final wave. Then the room feels very empty. I teach 7th grade, I had 156 students last year. Each one, adding to the salinity of my ocean of education. These are my last 30, exiting into the realm of summer. But, as they enter the wave of freedom, I see every face, I hear every giggle and they engulf me like a gust of wind, guiding my sails out into the current of boats and dingy's. The silence lingering in my room, almost swallows me, I rush into the hall to usher the crowd, rather than sink into its darkness.
It's just another day. I tell myself as I click off the lights. There is a heaviness though. The vibes might be easy going, but the tone is solemn. It knows. This was the last day of school. Although, being a 7th grade teacher, most of my students will be here next year and I will see them in the halls, they are no longer my students. They are now simply, travelers, passengers, participants. They are the crowd at the amusement park. I may join them on a ride or two, but they will be fleeting images of last year. Every face emblazoned on the walls of my classroom. But, also a wisp of laughter, swirling out into the breeze of progress and continuation. It is a hard day, even for the most veteran of teachers. This is my 15th year coming to an end. It doesn't get any easier per se, it just feels more rewarding. As a long-time educator, I am better at reflecting now. So even after a year with the most challenging of classes, I see progress, I recognize how far we have come and I appreciate the opportunity to have experienced my time with them. For, every class, every student leaves a mark and these marks, create the constellations that brighten my night sky. They are the X's on the treasure map that I use to navigate my next year. For without them, I would not have had an opportunity to grow myself.
Last Student Out
This is one of many last days, where there is a changing of the guard. A new adventure awaits, but the indelible aura of every class, settles in to the nooks and crannies. Adding to the flavor and texture of the classroom spirit. The castle remains, fortified with the interactions of the previous year. New students will enter in August and leave in May, and with every transfer, comes new memories. This is why we do what we do, to reach as many students as we can. If we build strong relationships, even over the summer, as they splash in the pool and play in the sand, they will have a bit of our spirit with them. Our words of kindness and encouragement will echo, quietly, as they dive in to the deep end. Our mindfulness and joy will be the hug they need as they try a new adventure. For after all, we were their bridge, luminosity, and warm blanket, for the last nine months and that may end with the final bell, but the memory is durable, lasting and integrated into who they are and will become.