Friday, January 11, 2019

The Sunday Scaries: The Shape of a Weekend

As humans we spend our days and nights in regimented measurement. We do not have an inch of control over the pace or direction of time. Yet, we organize our lives around seconds, minutes, hours and decades. However fleeting, we have ownership of only two aspects, of the essence of chronology- what we choose to do with it and how we choose remember it. When the expectation of the unknown creeps in and our Friday settles evaporate, the Sunday Scaries trickle in. These feelings of uneasiness may seem ridiculous to some, but studies have shown that many people get this sense of uncertainty and anxiety after a long break but just as many pick up this vibe mid-day Sunday before the work week begins.

Every new week brings with it new challenges. We enter having many balls up in the air, trying to keep them afloat, amidst the motion and movement, of intervals, junctures and allotments. As one drops, we try to toss it back up avoiding a disruption, in our balancing act. But this can only continue for so long. We know we can not do everything, we can only schedule and regiment our tasks and goals the best we can. This anticipation, this anxiety, seeps in on a Sunday afternoon, as we are relaxing with family or hanging out with friends. Its a nudge, a whisper "It begins soon." As fast as we travel, we are inevitably flanked, forced into a lane of chronology.

A Monday morning is like a shiny new toy and the Sunday Scaries are the packaging. We have to rip it off, to expose the action figure, the bendable and flexible version of ourselves. Whether we see ourselves as Marvel Legends, Power Rangers or Transformers- it is the fear that the packaging won't open, that causes us the dread of a new work week. So most of us have to prepare ourselves for the struggle. Arm ourselves with scissors. This groundwork, rather than peeking in early Monday morning, tends to rear its ugly head during our personal time. Cutting short our period of personal leisure. So, if we know they are coming, how can we battle the Sunday Scaries?

The best way is to reflect and regroup Friday before we settle. Before we exit the doors of education and walk across the parking lot to recreation, we must frame our Monday. Write down our agenda on a sticky note and stick it to our computer screen. Use sharpie, make it bold and permanent. Even if it is flexible, take a stance- dig in to a plan so that in your mind before you turn off the light for the weekend repose, you know unequivocally that you are secure in a well-developed proposal. Make sure you have a frame of reference- the sticky note like a snap shot of success. so, when you turn the key in the ignition, your mind has a memory, a life-line. This way, on Sunday evening when the whisper gets louder, "Are you prepared?" you can shrug it off with a grin and say, "Yes I am because I locked it down before my Friday Settle.

Part 1: Friday Settles

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