Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Gathering Swarm: The Sweet Nectar of Deindividuation (203)

“All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established.”
― Aristotle

“From one dog all the dogs bark.”
― Marty Rubin

Let me start by saying one thing- a storm is brewing, the static electricity is standing my hair up, I have goose bumps everywhere. You can feel it, too right? The rumble of antagonism. I do not mean rebellion, causes and protest. I mean deliberate deprecation, depravity, a malignant mob mentality. I just watch Twitter feeds, Facebook feeds. I am horrified sometimes at the sheer merciless rancor that people are bolting out into the universe. The unpurposeful words of just cruelty for no other reason to spread negativity.

Remember when flash mobs were a happy thing: singing and dancing. Now they can be destructive forces, aimed with spitefulness, venom and cruelty. Although, there are some festive, upbeat ones still out there. I mean there are mobs, a word I use with negative connotation- out there. Mass to me has a positive connotation. A mass of protesters versus a mob of negative speech.

The Internet is both savior and destroyer of worlds. It can lift and then slam into the ground with such force- its winds are forever changing with one post, one thread, one horde. I shudder and quiver sometimes at what I read. The senseless gathering of callous cries of hatred. But, in its defense (as if the Internet needs a defense) there are a lot of positive bubble spreaders too. Thank goodness.

It has always been here. The despot enraged infection of hopelessness. Fear amplifying hesitation into a murmur of resentment and gripe. But recently, after Covid-19 and social distancing, there is an utterance- dark and ominous, that is beginning to silence the voices of reason. It is terrifying and many people are choosing to remain quiet, rather than face the consequences of the hive, the swarm, the killer mass of deindividuation. Once you lose yourself to the throng- you feel very justified, in taking on its odious message.

Deindividuation is the concept in social psychology that states that when in a large group, you tend to lose self-awareness, you forget your restraint and get so caught up in the fervor - you become another bee in the hive. The sweet nectar of anonymity somehow frees sensibilities and allows one to say things, they otherwise would not. This is a matter of contention in many circles- but I have witnessed it. I have watched as people I follow on Twitter and Facebook become negative and derisive.

The swarm behaves as the Queen intends. The first post. The initial utterance of dominion. If the words are convincing, true, or not, they ignite a burst of negativity, leaving a gaping scorch in its wake. This mark of might, may stay local or may expand outward, gathering a larger depression, a more destructive force. It changes outcomes. It shifts power. It puts fear into the hearts of many. This hive, this mob, this swarm- is gathering its pollen.

Its energy is mounting and anyone in its blast radius beware. Turn on your television and look at Portland, Oregon. Listen to speeches. Watch the aftermath. Now protest to speak out for freedom and equality- and against discrimination, prejudice and hate- is a good thing. That is what is happening in so many places right now. But, the 'mob' I am talking about are those spreading hate and cruelty without an agenda. Just to be mean. Sometimes purposeful violence is necessary to spark change.

I know it is safer to remain behind the barricade. Clear of the subversion. I will admit, I tend to blockade myself as well. But, voices of negativity- the mob modulation can be disrupted. If we post and share positive messages, stay on topic (protests are a good thing- speaking up for those in need is powerful) and pause before we speak, refuse to follow those spewing hate speech, counter the deprecation with level-headed, well thought out messages of hope- maybe we can slow their path. They have a strong footing and we need to stop their advance.

It is one thing to be angry, we all get angry. We all have felt slighted, misrepresented, attacked, and forgotten. But we have to channel this into hopeful grace. Hope might seem lost, it might seem only available to them. But hope can not be hoarded. It is energy itself and it travels far and wide. We just have to allow it to find us. We have to channel it.

Grace is in every one of us- it is the power of forethought, the understanding of others’ emotions yet, remaining steadfast in our own mindfulness and positivity. Positivity is not a myth. It is a powerful tool. We have to look for opportunities to grow, not retreat into a bubble, of sweet nectar the hive of foreboding and malevolence wants us to.

We have to maintain a swarm of our own. A structure not of blind obedience, deindividuation, and shame. But a gathering of minds both eager for change and transformation. A convocation of wisdom. A caucus of positive outlook. We can not revolutionize and reconstruct if our focus is on the mob. We have to pinpoint our energy on the goal- progress and betterment.

The gathering swarm is upon us, buzzing, stinging, making us run indoors. While they control the narrative at times. Let’s not let them, win. Let’s make sure the productive protests make their mark. That voices are heard. Let’s din the destructive discourse by ignoring it, not making it national news. Instead, let’s amplify the grace, the hope, the voice of reason.

This is our repellant. This is our flyswatter. This is our bee-keeper suit. Let every voice be heard, even if you dislike its message- that is freedom itself. But squash the feeds of filth and hate. Spread a different sweet nectar- one of common sense and facts. This my friends will even the playing field.


  1. I agree and disagree with you. You mentioned "power," in that a wave of deindividuation is sweeping people up, growing, and "switching power."

    A group of like-minded people gathered in a public place (mob) isn’t necessarily a bad thing, ignoring social distancing aside. Often this exercise is conducted by the powerless to communicate a message to the people of power: “We are unhappy.”

    I could picture deindividuation being used to mask bad behaviors. A person may use the mask of a group to hide a deviant act. You can picture a person in the middle of a mob lobbing a Molotov cocktail over its periphery to hurt “the others”--anyone who doesn't agree with them. I can picture people getting “caught up” in the moment/movement and not thinking for themselves. What about people who are not privileged (loaded, but purposefully used word) with the intellect to know they are part of a bad group? How many people don’t realize that they are being “used” by people in power (queen bees)?

    I like your message of swatting away hate. Bees only sting those who threaten them or their home. It might be too much to ask bees to turn into butterflies, but perhaps we can share honey without smashing the hive.


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