I have been hearing a lot about these two terms as of late: mazimizers and satisficers.
It got me thinking a lot about myself. How I tend to indeed behave like both in
different situations. I guess like a growth mindset and closed mindset, we all
fit somewhere in the middle. Where do you fit?
Satisficers and people who are pleased to settle for good enough. Because it
is good enough for them. It is a good fit. It makes them happy. It creates a
place or situations where they can thrive because they feel comfortable there.
They are less likely to feel regret after they have made a decision. They trust
Maximizers are seeking the perfect meal, the perfect lesson, the perfect
car, home, or experience. They compare their situations to those of others-
making sure they chose the right one. They are perfectionists. They know what
they want and won’t settle. They won’t stop looking, planning or acquiring
until they feel satisfied- which they rarely do. So, they tend to have lower
levels of happiness than satisficers.
There is a positive result to being a maximizer- they tend to have better
results. Higher achievement. End up in better paying jobs. Yet, once they make
a decision, they are far more likely to second guess themselves. They use
social comparisons to guide their decision making. To get the most optimal
results. Fewer options works better for maximizers as they need to weigh all
their options. Because when they face too many options, they feel like they are
missing out on something. I think we all feel this way.
Is one better than the other? Are we a combination of both? Does this align
with growth mindset and closed mindset? Why would we settle? Is it settling if
it is the best fit for you? The word settle always has a negative connotation
with it. I think, settling is allowing the dust to rest at the bottom, not
stirring things up- so you can see everything and decide the best course of
action. Maximizers may want to see the playing field from more angles and
depths- but the end result comes from really looking at every choice. I think
both do the same thing here.
Sacrificers might seem impatient and quick to decision- but I think they are
just more realistic. They understand that moving forward sometimes means just
that- finding what fits and walking out the door. But I think that we are all
sacrificers in some aspects of our lives and mazimizers in others. We
spend our lives deciding what to eat, what to wear, where to live, work, play.
There are so many day-to-day, moment to moment, decisions- sometimes we just have
to decide quickly. Other times we have the luxury to stop and ponder.
This is a moment, as I write today, where I ponder and reflect on my last
week. Look ahead to the upcoming one. I know there are things I must settle on-
decide- choose and be alright with. There are others I can compare and dive
deeper and take more time to really figure out. The luxury of finding what I
want, is a gift.
I guess we are all mazimizers and sacrificers to some degree. But the most
important thing- is to rethink and adjust. See the options as just that-
options. And continue to move ahead- full sails, with the wind behind us. Don't
let too many options null your choice.
Don't allow ourselves to compare too much, for we never truly know the full
story of another. The facade may seem colorful, shiny and perfect- but what
lies behind the mask is unique. Live you. Believe in you. Maximize, sacrifice
and balance yourself. Find your groove. Only you know what that is- we all have
our own cadence, rhythm and melody. Close your eyes, listen- can you feel yours,
hear yours?