Friday, August 24, 2018

Yes And, No But: An Educators Seafaring Approach

Yes and….

It’s bigger in your mind, once you say it aloud, it gets smaller. Like the crash and crumble of the waves as they hit the shore. The doubt, heavy, sinking you, releases. The waves sound much harsher, louder, the closer you get. But when you can step back, out on a balcony, observe the tides from above the shore, their rhythm becomes apparent. The undertow is forgotten. They become more beautiful. Their sense of danger dissipates. Insecurity calms. This is an educators approach.

Clear blue, translucent, the cleansing aura of replenishing water, illuminates your frame of mind. It marinates in your brain. Percolates ideas. This is when the creativity floats in. This is the moment the murky water, meets the shiny sand and forms a cohesion of ripples and granules. Things settle as the current escapes. This blending of thought becomes action. Mind over matter. The force of sheer will, water crushing anxiety, swirling sand, gently falling back into layers. This is an educator’s routine.

The crash and crumble, vibrations and reverberations, normalize into a sync of in, out, in, out. The consistency is reassuring. The preciseness makes everything normal, safe. The foaming agitation of seawater, both frothy and sudsy, maintains our attention, focuses it. Salt stings our nose, but the mist rejuvenates. Alerts us to new stimuli. The vastness of information, yields itself to a single splash, a momentary shuffle of sand and water, tug and give. This is learning.

 No, but…

The shuffle of knowing and understanding, accepting and doubting, discovery and complacency never ceases. Like the tides throughout the day, we are constantly in a flux between order and disorder, listening and doing. We have choices, opinions, and fears. We lean on the boardwalk, overlooking the turbulent waters or we jump into the whirlpool, knowing we can swim above the cyclone. Either way we choose it. Confusion can set in, we might lose our sense of direction, but our internal compass will eventually guide us home. We have been there before, we know our way. This is an educator’s mindset.

We can hear something that upsets us, offends us, and puts us on edge. These things we generally try to escape, rather than dive into. This is when dark skies approach. Storm clouds block the sunlight. When we let them push us under the surface, we let the words take over, the sentiment coat us in seaweed and algae. However we have a No, but moment, that should be our mantra. I disagree but, I am willing to listen because my mindset grows from dissidence and discordance. This is an educator’s outlook.

No thank you bites. That is what I say to my son. Never no, if you have never tasted it. Once you try it, you can say, “no more thank you.” As educators we are in a constant state of exploration and reimagining. We see things and they trigger an idea, “I can use that in my classroom.” We seek out other educators, we join chats, we Tweet, Face Book and communicate on-line and in our buildings. We put ourselves out there, accept critique and welcome feedback- if we don’t we will stay swirling in the current. This is an educator’s lifeline. Our Vinyl record, well played and loved.

Most educators are positive, at least at the beginning of the school year. Yet, every year I watch as those around me, become more and more disgruntled and frustrated. This year, I am sending the positivity out in every way I can. Let’s do this together. Tweet awesome strategies, mindful thoughts and quotes. Support our tireless, dedicated educators, who need to be reminded, of the beauty of education. Those who need a pick me up after a long stressful day. Those who need to see a smile, receive a hug after a tough class period.

Above all, let’s let go of the “No, but” and integrate the “Yes and.” Stay open minded even in the stormiest and turbulent of seas. Not every day will be calm waters, in fact, most will be bumpy and blistery. All we can do is put on a life vest and row. Some of us have rafts, others boats, but we all have a flotation device- one another. We will all reach our island, where we feel safe. But, we will also meet fellow travelers on our journey and if we listen, they will tell us stories of adventure and swashbuckler fun- and that is exciting, because that is what we signed up for.

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