It is a very strange feeling when family and classroom meet. When my educator persona bumps up against mom mode.There is a certain wall generally, between the two for me. If my husband were to walk into my classroom, as I was teaching it would definitely stop me in my tracks. Only for the reason that my family posture kicks in, once the bell has rung and I am exciting the building. When I am in the building I am in teacher mode.
But, when it comes to Quiz bowl- the wall has crumbled and the two aspects of my life seem to connect to a certain degree. Rather than staying in teacher mode, I have to jump back and forth, this does not necessarily blend seamlessly- sometimes it causes oddities, curiosities and eccentricities. My students always say you are so different with your children around. It is a pitch, yaw and lift that keeps my flight path directional, however it also creates some turbulence. I have a difficult time giving attention to my youngest when I am on the teacher path.
This last weekend for the first time ever, my whole family traveled to Chicago with my Quiz Bowl team for the nationals competition. At the airport I was in a parent and teacher conundrum. I switched back and forth so quickly, I forgot who I was talking to and my teacher voice came out with my children and my mom voice with my students. It was funny. My students even commented that I sounded like their parents rather than their teacher. Oddities due to the blending of roles.
Curiosities sprung from every angle. Would my children get along with my students, they had met a few times, but would they get along? Would parents get along with my husband? Would my youngest son behave with the other younger travelers? My family is definitely not a mainstream, normal family. My boys have long hair, they are loud and expressive and above all they argue a lot with one another because of it. It felt like I was diffusing situations with my own children more than I was with my students.
We are definitely eccentric. This is what makes my family so fun. But, we are home bodies and getting on a plane and traveling across country was a first for us as a whole family. My youngest had never even been on a plane. The co-pilot overheard this and invited him into the cockpit. It was awesome. My students, most well-traveled, hunkered down and were excellent on the plane, which gave me two hours to be just mom and wife. It was a nice respite before the very busy weekend. With parents in attendance, I focused my energy on being coach and let them take on the role of parent. My family, stepped aside and went into Chicago as I led my team through the competition days.
But after games and after the rounds my family joined in as we celebrated making playoffs. My family has become very much a part of the team. But, it is weird to hear "Mom" and "Mrs.CJ" at the same time. Generally teacher mode and parent mode stay separate. But for me the oddities, curiosities and eccentricities of both have merged into more of a comfortable place. It is strange to switch so quickly from Mrs. CJ to Mom but it is kind of fun. My classroom is teacher mode, my home parent mode and Quiz Bowl has allowed the two to combine, even if for the weekend tournaments.
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