Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Precipice of Profundity: Precision Not Included

Tis' The Season

A common theme this time of year: frustration and exhaustion. The celebratory nature of the holidays, in our personal lives, is familial and festive. Yet, in our professional arena, as educators, it often takes its toll: final exams, distracted students and grading. We are in a hustle to finish the semester's curriculum and hold on to our students' attention spans. Everyone it seems, has one foot out the door. We stand at a precipice, between celebration and constriction. How do we keep our footing, as we glance across the landscape, past the bluff, on which we precariously reside?

We have to find the clarity in the routine and often menial tasks we are racing through, before the winter respite begins. This can be a challenge, as our minds our inundated with what seems like impossible expectations. Holding it all together is exhausting, in and of itself. But, keeping our mindful composure, joyful presence and cheerful facade, can be down right overwhelming. For me, this is the hardest time of the year: we travel for the Christmas break and just this year I added a Quiz Bowl tournament and a GT SCICON (an evening of experimental design projects, 2 months in the making) event to my over-crowded schedule.

Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Words accessible, even fragments and clauses are coming to mind. Yet, the completeness of thought, still lingers just out of reach. You can see it, taste it: that clarity we have all sought out, but rarely maintain. It provides glimpses and glances, but refrains from a permanent gander. This leaves our minds for most of the day, static and magnetic: absorbing every possible stimuli for later use. Each impulse, steering our actions and reactions, all the while leaving some wiggle room for enlightenment.

It is a delicate balance of climbing the steep, sharp, crag and propelling down it, at the end of the day. With each foothold, we slowly wind our way to the calm of the evening. Only to search for the crevices and crannies, on which to hoist ourselves up on, the following morning. Some days the ascension is effortless, we smile in the face of danger, we embrace struggle and setback. These are the days we relish, this time of year. Those where students are engaged and we are both: content and focused.

Other days we feel like we are free-falling, that our last step, on our mount up the wall, has pushed us off the edge and we are spiraling. The sheer drop seems bottomless. We are caught off guard and rather than look for support to anchor us, we often retreat. This is the time where we need to reach out and ask for help. But, for some reason we latch on to the rope and pull ourselves up alone. I know I do this. I am working on finding a spotter, someone who can guide me up the bluff- we are stronger as a unit. We simply need to offer our hand, to those who may be dangling off balance.

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This is a time not necessarily for precision but for completion. As educators, we want to give everything our utmost attention. But, we have to realize, we are not invincible. We are edu-heroes, but, we are also human. We have to give it our all and keep moving forward. With each beat of the drum, we need to progress. With each reverberation, there needs to be an achievement, fulfillment, or attainment. It all leads to the moment where smiling, excited faces are entering vacation-bound buses and traveling home for the holiday's. Where teachers are both relieved and thankful for the intermission between semesters. Where education takes a back seat and the pure joy of the festivities begins. We all need time to revel in relaxation.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year", as the song tells us. Full of shopping, stockings and Santa, or any other cultural traditions that make us who we are. This is the time we remember where we came from. Embrace those we cherish. Spend time with our loved ones, whom we are often too busy, to just have fun with and enjoy. But, in order to get there, we have to jump off the precipice and take the plunge. Take stock in what we have accomplished and set the pace, for what we have yet to do.

All we can do is hold on and dive in, things may get messy, they may get shuffled and prioritized, even put on the back burner. Profundity will guide us towards our goals, if we listen. Every chaotic time comes with imbalance and that is okay because, during the holidays, precision is not always included.

Buckle up and lean in to the turbulence. It may get bumpy, but the landing gear is down and we are on approach.

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