Deck the Halls
This the season of mirth and merriment. Smiles and candy
canes. Gift giving and accolades. But, we also must remember to focus on
ourselves as well. To coordinate positive moments. Cultivate them, nurture
them- for they do not emerge without the energy of mindfulness. If we pretend,
if we are not genuine and fully invested in positivity- it is fleeting. Others
will not feel the connection needed for the outward thrust of positive energy
to spread. The holidays, summer break, or just a fun-filled weekend, may stir
them up to the surface. But, holding them in place, glimmering within view,
keeping them accessible and steady, needs some tools- a shovel, hoe or rake,
whatever is nearby: Reflection and follow-through.
Be diligent, vigilant and wise- for a positive spirit is
cunning at times. These interactions of joy, they often hide in the shadows,
while we regroup after a stressful situation. At the holidays positivity is a
vibration, luring a common-felt sense of gratitude and compassion. But as soon
as that vibration dulls, after the allure of the New Year fades, many fall back
into their rhythm. If we remain active and purposeful, however, these surges of
elation and comfort, leave bread crumbs, we can collect to find our way to the
next one. Each iota, kernel, or seed will become fully grown positivity, if we
allow it the room, to stretch out and find its foundation.
With Boughs of Holly
Positiveness has tendrils that reach out and attach
themselves to anything within reach. Outstretched and determined, they are
relentless. Even when negativity creeps into view, they clasp on tight to
anything uplifting- rising into the light. This upward momentum is their
purpose, to gather energy and transform, is their design. The glaring shine of
perspective- is only heightened with reflection and follow-through. It is one
thing to realize we need to change our mindset, it is another to actually focus
energy and accomplish the transformation.
I have heard positivity referred to as contagious. I prefer
to think of it as a rain forest. Each layer necessary to maintain the abundance
and diversity of color and flora. The emergent level, canopy, under-story and
forest floor: each a destination, each a habitat, each intertwined in order for
the ecosystem to thrive. The emergent layer is the emergence of the tallest of
trees through the rest. These individuals are those whose smile, brightens
moods instantly. They elude joy and their positive outlook, like sunshine,
energizes all.
Fa La La La La, La La La La
The canopy, a tight, continuous layer- a community. This
is the company we keep. Surrounding us with a sense of purpose and happiness.
This is where most of us live, yet even this canopy can let us down. Causing us
to look outwards, over the horizon for new companionship. But, no matter the
disruption, the comfort of home, always draws us back to the canopy. The
camaraderie and strength in numbers, makes us feel a part of something bigger.
Especially at the holidays, these connections bring us together and creates a
sense of family.
The under-story is dark, fragile, it can appear
life-less- however, we tend to pass through this level without much effort.
Within dwells our thick, impenetrable apprehensions. But, when we look up to
the canopy, we are drawn away from this momentary lapse. Yet, it is within all
of us. It is both mindfulness and positivity that guide us from its depths. We
may feel burdened, lost, but it is the glimmer of light, peaking in through the
brush that warms us. This glimmer becomes a glare, as we look within ourselves
for the strength, to stay positive and mindful in moments of stress.
Finally, the forest floor, may actually receive less than
2% of the sunlight, but it is the sturdy foundation from which all of our
positive and negative emotions emerge. It is a place where we rest, when we are
busy, focused on the task at hand. It is where we are rooted. It is where our
joyous moments, happiness, growth mindset and outgoing nature trickles down to.
Nurturing our outstretched roots and tendrils, giving us the confidence to
continue the passage upwards. It is the solid ground from which everything else
grows. This is where our negativity decomposes, fertilizing the positive growth
that rises our spirits to the upper levels of the emergent advancement of
Follow Me in Merry Measure
Perspective gives us clarity. It lets us see what truly matters. When
we are stressed or upset- it lowers our heart rate and calms our senses, so we
can make a well-informed decision. During this hustling-bustling holiday blitz,
follow me in a mindful quest, by reaching out with those positive tendrils and
connecting with joyful, inspiring people. Smile and use positive words to let
those around you know that you notice and appreciate them. Listen intently,
because this is the time of year that even with the festivities and holiday
cheer, depression runs rampant. Follow me in merry measure by actively seeking
out those who have fallen below the canopy, who may be stuck in the under-story
and who need a glimpse of the luminosity of positivity and camaraderie, to find
a solid base on which to climb. Together we can make sure the glaring shine of
perspective, the light through the canopy reaches everyone- now and every day.
Let’s carry the holiday spirit with us throughout the year, for positivity and
mindfulness are never seasonal.
“Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la la la la!
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa la la la la la la la!
Sing we joyous all together! Fa la la la la la la la!
Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa la la la la la la la!”
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa la la la la la la la!
Sing we joyous all together! Fa la la la la la la la!
Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa la la la la la la la!”