Monday, February 27, 2017

Leaves, Petals, Stems Oh My! What's in Your Science Wallet?

Leaves, their main purpose is to collect sunlight and perform photosynthesis. They come in all different shapes and sizes.

Just to name a few categories. Their outlooks different on the best way to acquire the most sunlight-hence the goal. Grouping smaller leaves into various patterns or creating one large all encompassing leaf, large surface area. But whatever the shape, design, or size they all reach the ultimate goal, nourishment and survival. In my classroom, leaves represent the lessons, the standards or TEKS of learning, the differentiation of ideas and products. But all leading students to a common goal, knowledge.

Stems, the support and structure of the plant. Does the plant grow short to the ground or as tall as a Sequoia? Is the stem thin or as thick and old as a redwood? Is there thick bark protecting it from the bitter cold of winter, or a thin cuticle helping it to photosynthesize and grow? What ever its architecture it provides stability and resources to the plant. It houses both the phloem, food, and xylem, water, both vascular tissue that transports supplements and moisture throughout the organism. Stems are much like organizers and strategies that we can teach our students to help them make sense of new information, correlate ideas, and assimilate data. Together leaves and stems help a student flourish through a challenging climate and sparse sunlight. In other words discomfort and struggling in the content.

Finally, petals, the colorful and fragrant fronds creating a myriad of different species of flowers. Sunflowers, large and vibrant, turning to follow the sun, resourceful and enduring. Carnivorous plants, providing opportunities to get nitrogen where it is lacking, thinking outside-the-box. Gymnosperms or Angiosperms, flowers or cones it doesn't matter because both provide opportunities for pollination and the spreading of new information. In a classroom these are the active, authentic learning experiences that bring students together collaboratively, provide choice and voice for independent learning and inquiry, STEM lessons for discovery and exploration. These are the crux of any class, the alluring and beautiful semblance of thought, creativity, and implementation that together make education fun.

Leaves, stems, and petals all have a specific function that if lacking would prevent the success of any plant. When working in harmony they support, nourish, and adorn a plant. They provide the basis for life. In a classroom they are the lessons, standards, curriculum. The strategies, differentiation tools and organizers. The engaging and exciting activities that students use to help them acquire and assimilate new information. They are the life line of the class. The foundation in which all learning takes place. A plant provides oxygen, fruit, and aesthetic pleasure all the while surviving, thriving and providing a habitat for other organisms.

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