Monday, November 16, 2020

Iron Forges Iron (322)

Iron. Hemoglobin ingredient. Oxygen carrier. A life giver.

Iron. An enigma, it is sturdy and used to manufacture steel.

It also rusts easily. 

Iron refined into 90% of all metal.

Thus abundant. Purposeful. Resourceful.

It fortifies. 

It is an element.


Within us is the strength of iron.

We use it in our proteins, enzymes and blood.

Metaphorically speaking, we use it to forge ahead.

It helps make us strong both physically, literally


mentally because we use the image of its

endurance to set our mindsets and focus

Iron is elemental, integral and fruitful

For when it reconstitutes the steel

becomes our resolve and this resolve

is why we do what we do

We are educators, teachers, and we are iron workers

we are the iron

we are the steel

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