Wednesday, July 8, 2020

What Have You Failed at This Week? (190)

High five for walking towards what you are afraid of. Taking the next step on a path that was marred with an avalanche of doubt. Congratulations on not being deterred from what you felt might not work out as you planned. Be afraid of not doing- be not afraid of the outcome. The more you are brave- the more opportunities seem to appear before you. They find you after all.

I hope this week you manifested an idea. You saw a problem and decided to conquer it. You made the choice not to talk about the issue, not to add fire to the conflict, but to take action. You are amazing because you asked yourself- what can I do to work the problem? How can I network and organize an action plan.

You are a beautiful spirit, you live a true life, one in which you make positive choices. You are brutally honest with yourself: you reflect, you take stock in your situation, is it one of your choosing or can you change it? You are strong, motivated and resilient- you do not deny yourself the journey. When we look for the detour- our opportunities expand.

You are not in awe- you are awe. You are awe inspiring, every day you seek the new, the uninitiated moments of growth. You are daily unfolding yourself into a designation of your choosing- you have a sense of self both beautiful and inspiring. You let your flaws shine like battle scars. You are a mentor and a voice of reason.

Failure comes in small packages, a stumble, a skinned knee. You heal quickly from experience and vigor. Sometimes missteps become setbacks and collisions become wrecks. But you shrug off the damage- because you can see the damage repair. You look forward to knocking out the dents. It brings focus and calm.

This week what have you failed at? What situations did not go as planned? How did you bounce back? You pivoted and readjusted, didn't you? Of course you did- you are awesome. You believe in yourself and because of that- you shake, rattle and roll- and that makes life exciting.

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