Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Evolution and Solution: Classroom Synergy

Classrooms evolve. Voices once quiet become heard. Imaginations change and flow with the topics. Familiarity enhances relationships. Days of good behavior overlap those with shenanigan's and outbursts. Every day is different. The routines might be consistent but the interest level, conversations and attitudes adapt and evolve.

Every class period is unique. And within that uniqueness, there is diversity and vivid personalities playing off of one another- making a cadence of learning. Dynamic and fluid- classrooms are the embodiment of flexibility and challenge. Offering opportunities and growth experiences. They are why teachers become teachers. They are the landscape of our dreams- for we are always planning ahead, and imagining our ecosystems.

Days of desert transform into savannahs and jungles of growth. Icy moments melt to become oceans thriving with life and interaction. We do not need to create these places- they will germinate and pollinate all on their own- if we provide the radiant energy. If we provide an environment ready to transform- our students will dig and plant, feed and nurture their space and merge into the glorious spaces we call classrooms.

When they solve - they discover, build and tinker- students are more than the abiotic factors of learning- they are the vessels the natural beings that embody the ecosystem. They are not the soil nor the rocks but the growth itself. I see this every day: my classroom shifting and flipping, transforming and settling. It takes on the spirit of the voices and attitudes that enter it. I merely the light that beings the process. They the energy, synergy- life of the landscape.

So this week I am watching - staying a mere observer in the tussle and bustle of growth. I trim, I prune but they overgrow their habitats, creating a new succession of growth. and this right pure magic.

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