Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A week of Blogs (Feb 22- March 1)

 A week in a day. Sometimes it feels like it is a month in a day when you are in education. Virtual classes, in-person classes, snow days- it makes a week seem so fast. But it also works in reverse. When you get a disturbance in the normal schedule- a week undisturbed feels like an eternity. I prefer a full week with out disruption but this week has been another with a snow day.

Crazy times. Been so busy converting brick and mortar lessons into virtual ones. Blogging took a back seat. But, this day is calming things down and now I can get my thoughts out.

The word fine, is a word that I think is a spackle word- it covers what lies underneath. When someone responds fine- it does not tell the true story. But it has become a phenomenon- this word. Its not okay to complain, its not okay to brag about how happy you are- how great things are going for you. People have put up a shell these days.


They are loud and boisterous- letting everyone know they are unhappy. Venting.

It seems there is not a center these days. Educators are tired. But, we put on a brave face and hunker down. We keep things to ourselves most time. We say things are fine. But are they?

I hope everyone is feeling better than fine. 

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