Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Self-Care, A Nudge to Recuperation (14)

There was a chirp, almost a squeak- irritating, yet comfortable. It meant I was not alone. Every time I felt it had stopped, I had a twinge of loneliness- then the chirp rang out, teasing me. Our relationship started rocky, it alternated between appreciation, hate and annoyance. Yet my disdain for it- the break in the silence, the reminder to self-protect, home protect, family protect- became a need to not replace the battery. The battery would mean silence. The battery would mean loneliness. The battery would mean alteration. It would mean self-awareness and self-care.

No matter how much I love my classroom, I need to step away now and again. If not physically- I am generally lucky in the stay healthy and fit department. Then mentally- so I can see the four corners, hear the giggles and engagement- above all else anticipate the needs of the students within. I need to take care of me. If I am running on empty- I do not have the energy to give what is needed of me throughout the day. I sometimes forget this, until the necessity overwhelms, and I am nudged into a resting period. Yesterday, I was nudged.

I laid in bed this morning, fever, hoarse voice- after a very long night of coughing. Hot tea and soup awaiting my attention. I felt guilty somehow that I was not at work. But I had to let it go. I left detailed plans. I prepared my students for my absence. All was good. Sometimes I forget to take time for myself- burning the candle at both ends. When I forget to take time for myself- the time, like sand in an hourglass, piles- waiting to get turned on its head. When it does, it can bring abrasion, a wearing down that only leaves room for recuperation. Thus, I will be off two days with a high fever, laryngitis and a bad cough.

Children at school, family out and about and no sound in the house but the echo of the chirp. I awakened to it after a forced afternoon nap. It forged a new relationship, chirp, chirp- change my battery as you are charging yours. With Quiz Bowl, the Steam Center and a full-time classroom adventure- no wonder you are worn down. Stay in bed, Chai in hand and just rest. Watch corny television and just escape into a world, not education. Just recuperate, sleep- because come Thursday- there is a lot to do. The week is full and your tank needs to be too.

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