Sunday, January 5, 2020

Well Done is Better Than Well Said (5)

"Well done is better than well said" - Benjamin Franklin

The Knit and Stitch

Knitting, merging yarn, otherwise single. It is relaxing and slowly over time it becomes second nature, we can have conversations, watch television, for some people even read a book and still knit. Yet, blankets, socks and scarves are not the only thing we knit.

We often knit together our fear, doubt, anxiety with our eagerness, motivation and inspiration. Creating the most elaborate scarf- helpful in those cold months. Then we unravel it into a comfy blanket the warmer seasons. 

This yarn is flexible, reusable, and sturdy. These drives within us belong together- we need the primal fear and doubt, they warn us. Bring apprehension so hopefully we think things through before we act. The anxiety, well it is a byproduct of the constant fight for balance between confidence and hesitation.

My instinct when I see a ball of yarn- is to roll it across the floor, unravel it. A kitten has nothing on me. They just act with instinct. I stop myself because the thought of having to roll the yarn back into a neat package, feels tedious, it stops me. 

It's that stitching between thought and action that allow us to function. The knit is the comfort, the ease and flow of our thought process. The stitch is the uncomfortable realization, you have to think before you act. Sometimes, we don't listen to the stitch. Then the knit unravels.

It's All Done and Said

New Year, so many resolutions, goals, write this, read that. The barrage of ideas is like an avalanche. I feel buried, cold, locked in. I start digging, digging, digging only to find the skiers and boarders have passed. I am relieved.

Done- I chose two things. More would rumble the snow, threaten another avalanche.

Said-There is such greatness out there. So many strategies, opinions, blogs, podcasts, stories, chats, book clubs, and simple Tweets. I am blessed to have access to so many outstanding educators.

Done- Read, absorb. Act in moderation.

Said- Busy is a state of mind. We are all busy. We find time to do the things we love. If you do not love it, set it free. If it brings anxiety, set it free.

Done- Growth on my own terms. Every moment I am in control, I choose to participate or not participate, I am growing. 

Said- We must....We have to as educators... We are not doing all we can do if we are not....Join this...Be this...

Done-Being me. An educator. A writer. An inspector and gatherer of great ideas. A user of the purposeful. A doer with simplification and commitment.

"Well done is better than well said" - Benjamin Franklin

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