Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A New Way To Test Correct (42)

Today we tried a new way to go over a test. Rather than just go over the answers and explain where students went wrong we did a four step, individual, team, review. This had every student reflect over the wording of the questions, analyse the questions and determine if they felt they got them right or wrong.

I asked them, independently to read over their test booklet, and beside each question put a + if they got the question correct, if they were certain. To put a check mark if they struggled with the question, but felt like they got it correct. Finally if they felt they had gotten it wrong then they put a -.

After they did this, quietly for about 3 minutes. Each table of 2-3, went through the test together and compared answers. They had to make sure everyone, at the table agreed, on the answer, if not they had to debate and then decide, which they felt was right and why.

Then we went over the answers as a class and they corrected any they got wrong.

After a discussion of why each question, that was missed by many, was correct- I had them do test corrections. They used their notes to explain, why the answer was correct.

Then we looked at the TEKs- Texas Essential Knowledge standards. The test questions had the TEK numbers by each question, but the actual description of the TEK was missing. I put the TEKs on the white board and they labeled them accordingly and counted up how many of each TEK was represented, on the test.

Last, students circled any question they felt needed re-wording for clarity AND they looked over their class journals/notes, to determine what, if any, topics we discussed in class, were NOT on the test. Then we discussed why. Students figured out very quickly, the importance of the wording and expectations of the TEKs and why some information covered in class, was not included on the test.

A QR code was put up on the board for students to answer a few reflection questions over the process, this way I can adjust for future tests.

This process took longer, but I think especially for my PreAP and ACA classes, this was definitely a reteach and it helped students prepare for the retake. But also, it was a good way for them to understand- what they are learning, how it is being taught and what they will be tested on, on future tests.

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