Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Like Systems Tend to Integrate, Friendship a Must (98)

Only you know how to be happy. How to find contentment. You have wise words- so listen to yourself. 

View Optional
We must keep a birds-eye and a worms-eye view. The world is a very big place, our personal identity requires a view from many angles. We are the embodiment of our shape- our curves, our size and thoughts. 

We are systems integrated. Personalities, learning styles, outlooks and mindsets. Not to mention we are machines of such power and veracity. We function well within normal parameters, much of the time. But we should, when we can give ourselves a head start.

We always have a zenith and a nadir. No matter if we are healthy and happy, energetic and hopeful, or crestfallen and anxious. These are our highest points and the lowest points, relative to our location. Our mental bearings, our social standing and our physical position. They are dependent on our frame of mind and level of efficiency.

We also have a set point, the optimal range of function of our physical and mental bodies. Our bodies are in constant battle, in order to keep us healthy. A system of interrelated functions, working together, depending on one another. The set point fluctuates, as does our zenith and nadir. Shifting as they try to keep our shape. Our integration.

Shape Flexible
Our set point is not a number, or a statistic but rather a process, where we tune into our body's natural cues. Where we listen for the telltale signs of exhaustion, fatigue and illness. Our shape, our integration, depends on the parameters of our spiritual, environmental and physical frame. Each a component of us.

The shape of things, how we interact with the external and how our internal behaves, has everything to do with where we are mentally, how we react and how often we have mental and physical check-ins. How well we take care of ourselves. No one can do this for us. We are on our own here. 

Our shape is our responsibility. Our integration is solo work.

Friendship Optimal
We are not just our own personal trainer, psychologist, diagnostician and physician but also our own friend. This sounds strange, I know. But if we are not our own friend, we tend to neglect the other aspects of our shape. We hyper focus on what we want and not what we need. A true friend is honest. A true friend is present when we need them.

The shape of things is crucial. The shape of us- is what we have control of. 

Now, we might get invaded or we might find ourselves in a dark place emotionally- but if we are cognizant and in touch with our cues, our warning signs, we can get started on the healing sooner rather than later. 

This is what a friend does. They see the big picture and point out our blind spots. Sometimes they have to be brutally honest for our own good.

Truth is, we lie to ourselves sometimes. We fool ourselves. We don't trust ourselves. We even feel bad about ourselves and if we do not build a friendship with ourselves- an honest to goodness relationship- we will go mad during these times of isolation.

Even if you are surrounded by family, as you are cooped up inside- even if you are living communally- you still feel the weight of things. Its your mind that traverses the social media universe. It is your restraint that keeps you focused and safe. 

Listen to yourself, you know whats best for you.

Flash of Reality
There are certain aspects of our shape, that can only be viewed from the rear-view mirror. They happen so fast; we don't notice until it's too late. There is always a critical moment of transmission.

If we are truly in sync with ourselves, however, we can get proactive. We can accept the forewarning, no matter how foreboding. We can learn to tip the scales in our favor. 

Ground is either gained or lost, our zenith heightens or falls, our nadir deepens or rises. It depends on our awareness, our mindfulness, on how fast we bounce back. We may need the guidance of others, but ultimately it is under our purview.

We are in a constant battle between fatigue and fastidiousness. Its ongoing and imbalanced. We can’t end it. We can only adjust it in our favor, and only if we pay attention. Again mindfulness. Kindness towards ourselves needs to come first.

Like oxygen on a plane- secure your balance first or you might just tumble down and bring others with you.

Equilibrium is impossible- it is a set of problems to overcome, not an endgame. 

Our set point remember, fluctuates. But we can minimize the disruption, if we listen to ourselves. Believe in ourselves. Stop comparing ourselves to others. Instead, by looking at ourselves, searching inward and amplifying our strengths and beauty, we can make ourselves happier.

Like Systems Tend to Integrate
Like systems tend to integrate. When we find an orbit we mesh with, we tend to fix our revolution to it. When we find connections that fulfill us, we tend to gravitate towards them. When we appreciate ourselves, for who we are, we are open to new challenges, we seek new solar systems to cross, and ultimately, the vast expanses, that scare us, shrink.

This happens because we are not frenemies with ourselves. We are best friends. This might sound corny- but you know its true. When we are true friends with ourselves- great things start to happen.

Our shape, begins to look familiar. Our integration feels solid. Our outlook is no longer one of one, but a single of many. We find commonality, individuality. Yet, we hold our shape- strong and steady. We find more friends.

We flex, curve and extend. Then those around us bend, stretch and tilt, until our isolation becomes integration. Like systems tend to integrate. Our components integrate into our whole shape. Each component critical in the maintenance of our aggregate.

We are a sum of our parts. If we remain positive and mindful just maybe our zenith will remain high, our set point optimal and our being healthy. I think during this time, we can be happy, hopeful and content. We can embrace our solitude and integrate our mindfulness and physical well-being. We just need to listen. We just need to trust ourselves.

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