Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Aftermath- Angst, Anxiety and Apprehension (119)

Events Unfolding

A chain reaction, often with the end a prediction, not an absolute. One action- catapulting or collapsing. A series of progressions. Continuity and cycle. We are often just locked in step with the events of science. With the occurrences of human society.

While we are in the sequence of chaos, a tumultuous timeline, we focus on what's coming, not what we have endured. We are unable to dodge the influx, so we brace ourselves for the incursion. The shock wave falls after the impact. The gradation creates the fallout. The conclusion is the onset of another rotation. Time repeats itself.

Large scale, vivid, visceral events leave a devastation in their wake. Visible scars. But some forms of aftermath- even though they are not physically ruinous, they do not rip our landscape apart, they are just as detrimental. They leave a deep impact- an emotional crater.

The emotional wounds can be just as catastrophic, cataclysmic, and calamitous. They are subtle in their destruction- but they are longer lasting. They carry with them disquieting and traumatic effects- we do not truly recognize, until the aftermath has presented itself.


Angst of teenagers who missed their prom and graduation. Students who missed their competitions and culminating events. Adults who missed a payment because they weren't able to go to work. It's percolating now but after things settle- there will be rapid boiling- there will be scalding emotions.

Anxiety is everywhere. We don't even recognize its full reach yet. A quote- children can't say to us, I had a hard day, let's talk about it. Rather- they say- will you come play with me? Many adults hide their doubts and fears because they think it makes them look weak. Its already here- this underlying level of anxiety- it will be more apparent as time goes on.

Apprehension is palpable. We are inching back out there. Society is opening its shudders and beginning to venture outside and into restaurants and shops. Yet, we are still afraid to shake hands. We will be at 25% capacity, then 50% capacity, working our way up to 100% capacity. It will take time for the spaces to fill in- but the trust, it will take a lot longer.

The aftermath is tapping on our windows, it will be delivered to our mailboxes, dropped on our porches. It will be coming through the Internet and phone lines. We will see it on TV. The impact of this is expansive. Everyone coping and venting- listening and responding- ignoring and communicating in their own way.


Aftermath, a haunting unveil. A dark corner, deep crevice, eerie facade, that will slowly trap us, as we move forward. For reasons we can't even imagine yet. For disturbances in the force, ripples in the stream and storms in the atmosphere of our reality- they are not a quick fix at the end of an episode. They are the long, story-lines of trilogies.

Cracks are forming. The splitting is occurring. But we have to wait to repair them, until we know the impact point. OR, more will splinter off in every direction. Like a sudden crash into a windshield. It slowly grows until you can longer see out your front window.

It's going to be scary for awhile. As all the science attempts to solve and psychology endeavors to heal- all we can do is listen for the stitches unraveling, watch for the tears to widen. Figure out how this virus has scarred us far more than physically and emotionally. But socially, environmentally and economically too. More importantly, personally. Because this attack was personal.

Then and only then can we see the big picture and attempt to sew everything together. Piece meal back some form of normalcy- even though what we once believed was normal is gone. The new pivot- the post Covid hinge is swinging open- I am curious as to what is on the other side. The tapping is getting louder, the shadow fading- can you feel it coming?

1 comment:

  1. So true ... it takes a while to process trauma and often, the stress of events we endure in silent bursts forth weeks or months later. Or systems snap long after a crisis is past, because of the street that was carried during the crisis. We need to be gentle on ourselves and others at this time, since the wear and tear we've sustained during the COVID-19 shutdowns is hard to measure while we're going through it.


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