Friday, April 17, 2020

Not a New Normal but a Better One (108)


Normal. What was normal, can no longer be. At least not exactly. Big 'Titanic" changes cause some pretty major shifts: In thinking, interactions, emotional stability and of course societal expectations. 

After the Titanic sank- every ship had to have enough lifeboats. After Pearl Harbor, we literally joined a war. After 9/11 we became hyper-vigilant, paranoid, and yes, unfortunately a lot of people became more offended by cultures, not their own.

This pandemic has caused some of that for sure. Fingers are being pointed. But, the culprit, the enemy is a virus. A microscopic invader of astronomical proportions. Thus, as a human race, we are focused on an invisible attack. 

We so desperately want things to be like they were, some of us anyway. We are looking for the familiar. But maybe, the familiar is no longer good enough. I am looking for an upgrade. What about you?

Yesterday is a Memory

We had challenges, we had disparities, we had down right injustices and hopefully- this miniscule microbe (yes, I know it sounds redundant, but I like alliteration) will cause us to pause, to rethink our behavior. BECAUSE- we still have all of these things, now they are just being magnified.

I hope this magnification will make us more compassionate. We are no longer moving at a quick pace with the excuse of busy. We now have time to see the reality of our circumstance.

I hope we can see the error in so many things of our yesterday and find ways to tighten our focus on tomorrow. Here we sit, Zooming and exploring. I hope we explore what needs to be done to better our world not return to a crumbling society.

We can’t go back to the non-common sensical way we educate our children. Based on standardized, often biased, tests. 

We need to figure out how grades can be more meaningful- a letter is not meaningful, a percentage is not meaningful. We need to discuss as a professional entity- educators- how to make it more growth based.

Today is a Flash

Distance learning, for many these days is completion- not accuracy and thus there has been a shift towards - just do it. It has to be streamlined a bit for the purposes of finishing the year. 

BUT, we need to remember our classroom motto's, our classroom theme song. Even if you didn't have one before- you definitely had an energy.

When we return in the Fall, for many of us, we need to focus on more independent, STEM, makerspace, self-paced activities. Where choice is key- with choice comes meaning. Less cookie-cutter more exploratory baking- ingredients optional.

The Same Ol'

We can't stay the same. This is the perfect opportunity- the world's attention is focused on one thing- Covid-19. So let's use this time to send a message. Share a new outlook. Try on a new outfit- put on your positivity pants and your update sweater.

Standardized testing is a snapshot. Nothing more. It is purely a number. No deeper insight. A funding game. 

We need to focus on a growth game. We need to make sure schools are clean, safe and comfortable. A place where students feel they are contributing to their education and not a soldier of compulsory assignments.

Tomorrow is Knowing

Education is on my mind. But, I also think society needs a huge overhaul. We are all in this together and I hope after seeing the toll of this devastation- we begin to be better listeners. 

Better problem-solvers. More considerate. More aware. More positive. 

These days so many Tweets- are me, me, me and I feel isolated, I am bored, life is so unfair. Now a lot are constructive and thought-provoking but- self-centeredness is alive and thriving.

I hope there is a shift to- we are in this together. Let’s solve the issues so desperately in need of our attention. Let's focus on global issues. Environmental issues.

Let’s use this time to have meaningful conversations. Let's strategize and discuss ways to bring dramatic change- let’s not go back to normal- normal was complacency for much of society. 

Let’s figure out how to merge yesterday and tomorrow, into today. See our past mistakes that led us here. See the route to a better normal.

Now is Adapting

Now is normal. Now is seeing beyond complaceny and inconvenience.

Not in the merely in the microbe sense but also in the macrobe sense.

Let’s create a cure for lack of decency, a patch for arrogance and ego-centrism and a new vision for education- one where teachers have a voice, students have a role in the decision making and where together we truly are making the world better.

Let's choose to have the tough conversations. It's the only way we lose sight of the old normal and set our sights on the better one.

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