Friday, August 28, 2020

Pie and Crust- The Sustenance of Experience (241)

 The Fibrous Nature of Things

To peel or not to peel, that is the question. To remove the fibrous layer or to let the coarse, pulpy skin help the produce, keep its shape and firmness, as it bakes. It may be the inside of the pie, the woody, wiry, mantle of deliciousness, yet it is the star. Thickness matters. Flavor matters. Tartness and consistency matters. A bark-like skin, will be tough and inedible. But, a thin, sweet dermis, will bring forth the juicy, liquid of nature. As it oozes out, it creates a semblance, of freshness and time. It requires the season, to mature and ripen. Only a moment to enjoy its nectar.

If the fruit loses its texture, the filling will be soft and mushy. If the crust does not have enough fat content, if it was not rolled our properly, it will not be flaky and buttery. It will be dry and crumbly. Flavor and taste, both emerge when the details are emphasized. When patience is given to the ingredients, the process and the assembly, perfection is more likely. When forethought and expertise, are used to develop and bake a beautiful crust, you feel it. The pie becomes more than a treat. It is true mastery. For the crust, holds everything together. Some may use a simple mixture, that tears and thins. While others, with care and love, layer and soften the edges, until the perfect groundwork, is in place. This framework, the golden, fragrant, memory everyone has, of grandma's kitchen.

Technique Matters

If the right apple is picked and the right technique is utilized to prepare it, the innards will taste amazing. If the crust is handled with composure, a foolproof pie, will be fashioned. Dessert is a gift, an ending to a worth-while meal. It is not more important than the feast, yet, it is missed, if it is absent. It is a compliment, a confection, a last course, of a needed festive spread. A meal is an experience, whether with family around the table, or a brief snack between tasks. We all require sustenance. We all desire a delicious, well-balanced, tasty refreshment. We revel in the beauty of food. We look for that second, where the sweetness meets the crispness. We seek the moment where, savory meets crunchy goodness. The balance of texture and flavor. We desire a merging of the understanding of the process and the appreciation of the effort. This makes it more meaningful.

Pie, like other pastries, requires a level of skill and ability. The first attempt, usually ends up in a fractured mess, albeit a tasty one. A broken crust, holds within it, a mixture still luscious and syrupy. But, as with all dedicated bakers, the crust is more than a covering. It is the schema on which the harvest lies. It is the shell, under which, the crop merges, into a treat, unlike no other. It is vented, to release the steam, to keep the integrity, of the floury fabric. The pie is nothing without the crusty, flaky, buttery layer that binds it all together. Sweetness meets crispness, under the blanket of kneaded and rolled sublimity. Fruit and wheat combine into a complete carnival of subsistence.

Expertise is Homemade

As with all bakers, there is a love of the ingredients. A passion for the ability to take various products and ideas and create something, people will love to eat. Educators, like the great chefs of the world, look to their experiences and locality to create the best frame of reference for learning, for their students. Each with their own skill set and mindset building and designing, the glorious meal of growth and sustenance. Whether a homemade pie or a handcrafted lesson, both bring nourishment and livelihood, to those around them. Both requiring tools of the trade. Whether a fork or a pencil, a plate or a desk, each requires the desire to use them. Are you hungry? Let's eat.

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