Friday, September 16, 2016

International Dot Day BDJH 2016!

International Dot Day!

September 15th is International Dot Day. All my class created dots and we hung them on the back wall. It was a day full of amazing discussions about what inspires them and ways in which they can be inspiring to others. As a class we also shared ideas on what makes something great? How there are varied degrees of greatness and what one person might feel is great another may have a distaste for. Finally, we shared ideas on how to be great every day.

Students responded to these questions in a positive and respectful manner. My favorite responses were geared around the "little things" that you can do daily to improve not only your own well-being but also that of others. Students shared ways they can make a difference at school by smiling, helping others, and staying positive throughout the day.

Another one of my favorites is one a student shared about failure and being great at something requires a lot of failure but a lot of grit and determination as well. Athletes, musicians, and everyone in between struggle, fail, train, train, focus, strive for success and eventually most of them are successful. Success does not need to be on a grand scale but rather it is the "little things" one does in their life that allows for success.

Poems, art, words, memories, goals all of which students shared and they were inspiring not only to one another but to me as well. A simple inspiration for me, as I shared is Dr. Who because as I have written in an earlier blog post, it carries such value and morality and speaks towards descency and respect and failing forward. Dot day is about making connections, connecting the dots and finding commonalities between yourself and others. Being an inspiration for others. Remembering that a dot, often small and overlooked can bring significant and important changes. 

Dots are periods marking the end of a sentence. But they are also the transition between events and and places in your life where you recognize the need for growth, change, and motivation. The smallest of things can change the world, just Ask Bilbo Baggins and J.R.R. Tolkien. 

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