Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Follow-Up Discussion "They Will Tire of it Eventually": How to Plant The Seeds of Change

After class change, the reason I could not stop and engage in a fruitful conversation previously, I decided to return to the scene of crime. I found the same two teachers, still complaining but this time about a different student. I decided to begin a calm conversation about strategies I use to help these students feel more a part of the community. When they feel like they are hear, you allow them to be mobile, you give them a role, a purpose they feel connected. I told them I do not have the same problems with these students. To keep it positive, I added that when a student is tired or overwhelmed often their behavior changes. We need to make sure we pull them in daily. I told them about my 1-minute check-in's and that this is the best tool to help me make a connection with these students. After we check in daily they feel like their opinion matters. They see the positive smile I give them, the encouragement I show when they get to choose where to sit. The patience I show by merely redirecting, not condemning.

I can be honest, as calm and positive as I was, I tried very hard not to sound at all condescending or judgmental only supportive of their plight. But, I fear they felt I was coming off as such. But, I spread the seed, the seed of strategy and understanding and maybe, just maybe they will heed my words. We have to start somewhere.

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