Saturday, April 8, 2017

Tenacity, Veracity and Pertinacity: Achievement Through Mindful Determination

Determination, resolution, will power, intentness we all have it in us, but often our heads get muddled with doubt and fear and we lose sight of it. How can we stay tenacious, veracious and pertinacious in order to keep going when the stress takes hold?

Living with stress is part of being human. As long as we’re breathing, we’ll always have challenges. It is how we choose to react and solve these problems that ultimately decides how happy we are. When we respond to stress in a healthy way, our bodies remain in a calm and balanced state. We can respond not react. We can take the leap rather than stand on the edge in fear, knowing we have a parachute to help break the fall. A very intricate reaction happens within the body in response to stress, also widely known as “fight or flight.” In acute situations, this biological process keeps us safe from harm. It heightens our instincts, focuses our insecurities so we can face them quickly and decisively. Deep breaths, melodic, intentional breathing helps us slow the pace, focus our minds, see the big picture.

However, when our responses become automatic, recurrent, and fixed, suffering can do a great deal of damage to our bodies and minds. We’re much more prone to illness, disease, and anxiety. It’s not the stress itself that is the problem, it’s how we deal with it that matters.

It is finding the determination to get through it. Mindfulness is an attribute of consciousness long believed to promote well-being. Being mindful is allowing oneself to be open or receptive to new ideas and circumstances. It is the awareness of and attention to what is taking place in the present. Finding calm in a chaotic situation. The ability to reason, process and regulate what is the best response in the situation. This is how we transform determination mindfully. During stressful times, recognizing we are indeed under pressure and out of alignment and finding the strength to face our anxiety is the first step in resolution.

The second step in resolution is to be willing to set personal goals that you adhere to every day. Every day. Intentions you wake up with, repeat like a mantra throughout the day, pat yourself on the back when you achieve and recognize when you don't. They take adjustment and accommodation but they require a steadfast nature, a tenacious, veracious, and pertinacious devotion to personal growth. Achievement of these daily intentions whether small or large is always impactful to our well-being. The ability to praise and admire ourselves is often the challenge. Self-aggrandizement is perfectly alright when it is personal and reflective. But, we often neglect to do so because when can merely see our short-comings or fail to believe in ourselves. It is our little successes and the way we interpret them that builds the foundation of our personality. The core of our self-awareness.

Determination is a very personal thing. Depending on past experiences, our relationships with others, our feeling of self-worth. When we are mindful of any discrepancies that cause doubt and anxiety we can accept them. Not get rid of them, but weave them into the fabric of us. Every bit of our history is documented in the "quilt" of us. It is where we choose to place our failures and struggles, the prominence of them that matters. Determination does not come from a place of shame it comes from a place of faith. Tragedy, turmoil and turbulence make us stronger, it may be instant growth or gradual intuition but it changes us. We need to let every ounce of doubt, fear, agitation, ferment and mayhem in. We need to let them drive us forward. But, we also need to accept and embrace the prosperity, triumph and moments of pride and success in as well, to balance our emotions. Together the failures will seem like hurdles and the successes will feel like a safe landing after a fearless leap.

We achieve through determination. Often focusing on the goal and letting all other thoughts clear away. But, if we are mindful and allow the distractions a place, welcome the uncertainty, charge toward our anxieties then they will not defeat us, merely cause redirection. Tenacity, veracity, and pertinacity are the scaffolding on which our resoluteness is layered. Where our strength of character, single-mindedness and unflinching conviction is represented, embossed, depicted, for all to see. The mural of ourselves, both colorful and detailed. The patchwork quilt, the montage of memories, tessellation of our tenacity. If we slow down and observe this escarpment, painting, display, of our personalities we will notice that every line, brush stroke, element are what determines our behavior. Let everything assemble and a portrait of determination and self-reflection will emerge.

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