Friday, May 26, 2017

Frog Dissections: A Comparison of Frog Body Systems and Human Body Systems

A dissection is a great tool to help our students make sense of anatomy. I have conducted dissections in my classes over the years: fetal pigs, sharks, worms and frogs. Even chicken feet. This week for our finals periods we are dissecting frogs. In groups of 4-5 students are completing a lab report comparing a frogs organ systems to those of the human body. We are also reinforcing lab safety and collaboration this last week of school. Rather than watching cartoons or signing yearbooks it is important to me to keep learning active and authentic. The school board decided that these students need to be here this week and it was based on learning not sitting idle. Why have them here if they are not ending the year with an awesome activity. Each day this week two classes will have 2 hours to fully dissect and reflect on the anatomy of a frog. They are enjoying this and have been waiting all year for this opportunity. So alas, frog dissection it is.

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