Saturday, December 5, 2020

By Sheer Brute Force (340)

By sheer brute force- we often form an anchor knot. Heavy, steal, chain- fastened with a foothold. We hook and latch into place. We have a vision, successful endeavors, repeating like a needle stuck on  spinning vinyl. The crackle of the groove somehow comforts us. Because we know the steadfast heft, will secure us in our routine.

Routine is the indentation, in which the needle finds its orbit. This spin, is automatic. The rotation being generated, by an energy we have built up over time. We understand the mechanics. We understand the maintenance. We understand the design. And we thrive because of this. We have dissected it enough times, to be able to avoid the scratches, to the album.

With this security comes- a prediction. A repetition. A predictability, yes, but also a set speed, a set order. The only way we can flip the album over, on the turntable, is to lift it and manually flip it. We are not jukeboxes with automatic changing of the guard. We are record players. We are old school stereo's. Not because we are antiquated, but because we see the value in the sounds of originality and style. We appreciate the beauty of the crackle and vinyl spin.

But by sheer force of spirit and ingenuity- we thrive. We decipher the code to being modern and timeless. We unlock the clues to finding the bridges and byways - to connect with our students. This is what it is all about. This staying stationary, in an ever moving timeline. We adjust, pivot and grow but we are anchored in our generation. They, our students, theirs.

It is a beautiful sight- every year watching how trends change, catch phrases, emojis, gifs, You Tube sensations shift. Tick Tock, Instagram and Snapchat- dominate. But we maneuver through them. We are up-to-date and yet we know the short cuts. We know what has endured the -quick to shift -fads of late. And this is synergy, this collision occurs, by sheer brute force of spirit, observation and a desire to grow along side our students.

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