Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Farewell Sweet Slumber of Doubt (336)

This situation feels relentless. We must endure in every way we can. Smile upon the graces bestowed to us. Welcome a beginning, for every morning if we wake a beginner- we are consistently optimistic at the potential. We know the unpaved, gravel laden path is waiting for us. 

We engineer better shoes on which we firmly tread. We establish a pattern, in order for our next excursion, to be more fruitful. We get choosy because we have our preferences. But, we continue to walk, our stride forever gaining momentum.

The blended, hybrid, virtual merges - with PPE, masks and social distancing. The two venues unique yet, combining into a beautiful ensemble of giggles, simmering beneath cloth, and energetic hallways. Even behind a screen they long, they believe, they engage. 

We the megaphones deafening the isolation. Creating an even playing field- some shoes covered in turf and dirt, others clean- yet both worn in with enthusiasm.

Farewell sweet slumber of doubt. The months have passed- dents, scuffs and indentations have become a part of the scenery. Displaying a classroom charm. Students are students- whether from their desks at home or their tables in school. It is their terrain to manage, it is our landscape to shape. So that they have oceans to swim, mountains to climb and skies to take flight towards.

Doubt is our companion as much as it is theirs. But if we abate it, tackle it, encage it behind our energy and action- they will be lead towards engagement and learning. It is going to continue to be full of surprises- this situation, has settled in for the long haul. But, so have we. And we are warriors. We are educators. 

We are eager to change and grow and this....this is an opportunity to do so.


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