Thursday, October 20, 2016

Buckle, Lace, Velcro: Tying up a Lesson

A buckle is secure, a tight concise closure. To unbuckle requires more effort than untying or tearing velcro. This seems to me to be more of a finality to a lesson, where one might need to leave it more flexible in order to revisit, reteach, and re-explore. I rarely ever, buckle up a conversation or lesson for this reason. Buckles have their purpose, they make sure a toddlers shoes are nice and tight so they can learn to walk. They tighten a belt so pants are secure in order for someone to go about their day without fear of losing their pants. But, alas they are rather fixed.

Laces are intricate and can be loosened or tightened depending on need. They can be left dangling at the end, often leading to a trip or fall, or they can be knotted which can lead to frustration. The best lace is wound up nicely in a bow but can be easily unwound to re-secure. These are the lessons that are more fluid and flexible allowing students to reach different conclusions: rabbit hole ties or two-loop style or even freedom knot. Laces come in various colors, sizes and lengths but always have an aglet on the end to secure it. These lessons are dynamic, engaging and authentic.

Velcro is accessible, does not require skill or dexterity just a simple pull will do. These lessons are quick and to the point. Often a simple vocabulary review. They are not meant to be enduring or exciting but simply informational. These lessons however are necessary in order for the lace lessons to occur. Buckles, laces, and velcro are all present in the classroom and are all strategies teachers implement to make the flow of the classroom consistent and dynamic. While a buckle and velco lesson are more fixed and direct, lace lessons provide opportunities for student-centered environments. Student-driven learning and student choice. Finally, lace lessons encompass diversity, individual learning style, and student growth.

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