Sunday, March 1, 2020

Star, Fan, Famous - Does Any of It Matter? (61)

I am curious- this whole limelight thing, is it worth it? I have been perusing Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms and just reading, listening, and lurking as they say. I have learned a lot. I gotta tell you- its fascinating. This social persona we all have, it is both beautiful and destructive. Enhancing and invigorating- and very much addicting.

Its interesting to me how important it feels to us. How we are designed to need it.

Do stars shine brighter than fame?

Are superstars, like supernova's ready to explode and disperse into the universe?

Fandom, stardom, influencer, infamous. So many words to mean- public. To embody what it means to have a following, to be recognized and beloved. While some members of this club have keys to the presidential suite, others remain in a standard room. Yet, each in their own right, has earned at least a nights stay, at the acclaimed limelight resort.

I have an Instagram account, yet I have never posted to it. I follow celebrities and writers- yet I simply browse the platform for inspiration. I have never felt the urge to actually post. Is that weird? I post on Twitter all the time. I post sporadically on Facebook, generally big events. I write two blogs, yet Instagram seems to bring me a sense of reluctance. Why?

Does any of it matter? I suppose it does in the sense that people are connected to it. They feel like a community. It provides a sense of purpose for many. All social media has a purpose- some positive, some negative. But, they all provide a service- a way for the world to connect, in a century where communication and outreach, popularity and self-worth, and a basic sense of self, have become as much a part of our persona's, as our fashion sense and individuality.

Instagram is pretty. Beautiful photography. Inspiring words of calm and wisdom. A life of color and nuance. Shiny and visual. Twitter is words, chats, blogs and venting. When you build a community it is more positive and purposeful. When you scroll down your feed you have the option to UNFOLLOW and BLOCK. It's like mingling at a dinner party. You can keep moving or you can settle into a corner of like-minded people and have a great conversation.

Instagram feels to me at least, more like a billboard of sophistication and polished perfection. I scroll my feed and see famous people: fandom, stardom, influencer and infamous- interacting. I see impeccable food, immaculate fashion, perfect smiles. It is less about what you do, what you say or what you believe- and more about how you look. Your perceptible persona. This, I lack. I have plenty of verbal not a lot of optical.

What makes someone follow you, read your blog, listen to your podcast? What lures people into your orbit? Persistence, consistency, flash or flair? Do you need a unique voice or a loud one that can be heard over the din of constant 'look at me, look over here, see me, no me?' When do you get your break? Some do in an instant- they simply post and the world goes wild. Others they play comedy clubs, grind the layers down, until they finally reach the upper floors, of the limelight resort. I applaud all of them.

The one thing I know about stardom, fandom and famous is in order to keep it, you have to maintain it. You have to put yourself out there, open yourself up to criticism- because you can't please everyone. Especially those who are looking for reasons every day, to tear someone else down. Especially those who are envious and stuck and instead of finding a channel in which to swim in a new direction- choose instead to be negative and destructive. Is that easier? To tear down rather than lift up?

I think it takes the same amount of energy and in the end- the negativity, wins only because it is heavier. It weights down and with the sink, comes the isolation. With the anger comes the idea of justification. If I am not a star, if I don't have a cult following I am lesser than. If I am not famous, remembered, recognized, I am simply human. BUT- in actuality, being alive, feeling connected, staying positive, believing in yourself is not that hard.

We just have to remember to-


Happiness is our stardom. When things seem bright- we are on every billboard- we see ourselves as successful and important. Contentment is our fandom, our cult following. Our biggest crowd of applause comes from believing in ourselves. The red carpet is temporary but the courage, confidence and comic relief, we allow ourselves to feel- that is fame right there. That is worth more than any magazine spread or leading role. So hunker down and know- the only thing that matters in the end- is in our minds, so keep it positive my friends.

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