Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Disentanglement: Unraveling The Mystery: Snip It #9

Two snow days in a row. Crazy. Houston is colder than Denver. When does that happen? Now, actually, causing, disentanglement of a lesson plan. Monday was spent getting a well-oiled machine, tuned and prepped, for a four day week. Now, it has become a two day week. Adaption and compaction. I see this as an opportunity to do what I do best, get creative. The same information has to be taught, but how can I stream-line the content and keep it engaging? Vocabulary has been taught, its the networking of concepts, that was in place for this week. I need to liberate the activities that many would shelve, due to this weather absence.

Emancipation of student-centered enterprises- I refuse to fall back on worksheets, because we have missed two days of school. Students need even more activeness and liveliness, after an unexpected vacancy. Harvey taught us this earlier this year.

I am planning my 'return' activity now. Our unit is Genetics and the topic, is how do genes play a role in heredity. Thus, rather than a handout about Punnett squares and probability- I am thinking of having students be alleles, some dominant and some recessive and each 'set' a different trait. They can scramble themselves, find their pair or match and then after every student has found their place- they will describe how genes determine traits and how probability fits in, to this activity. Get them up and moving. After being in their houses for two days, they will need the exercise.

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#OneWord2023- Plant

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