Monday, January 22, 2018

Nappucinno: Does This Really Work: Snip It #15

Have you ever heard of a nappucinno? I hadn't until I started reading "When" by Daniel H. Pink. The book is all about our chrono-biology. Are we morning birds like larks or night owls? Or, like me, are we in-betweeners, or third birds. We all have a cycle or Circadian Rhythm, our bodies adhere to. As the day progresses, we have peaks, where we are alert and focused. Troughs, where we are tired and sometimes, very distracted and unfocused and finally, rebounds where we get our second wind. Even without research, we know this. It makes sense, for me at least. Unfortunately, I am a third bird and my trough, is exactly at the last class, of the day. I can't just take a nap, in the middle of 8th period.

The idea of a power-nap sounds good to me. Especially if they should be 15-25 minutes long. That could be during planning. I can turn off my lights, and catch a quick snooze. Unfortunately, I tend to have things to do, during planning. But, I made it a goal today, to see if on the days, where I am free during my planning, if I could grab a few Z's. Today I tried it. This nap is called a nappucinno because, you are supposed to drink a cup of coffee, or something highly caffeinated, just before you try to rest.

I did. Then it took me about 7 minutes to doze off, albeit not to REM, which is the goal. Then after 25 minutes, the coffee should hit your system, thus as you wake, you get a burst of energy. It did. I sat up, did not feel muddled or foggy. The sleep inertia that usually occurs when I take an afternoon catnap, was no where, to be seen or felt. It was actually very refreshing and it helped me get 'rebounded' for my 8th period. Who knew? I didn't. That taking a quick 25 minute torpor, would in fact, bring me back, to a balanced state, so my afternoon was more fruitful. I am going to try again tomorrow and see if I can relax even more. Set an alarm, turn off the lights, drink a cup of coffee and take a brief repose. Try it, I bet you'll find it worthwhile.

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