Friday, January 26, 2018

Cloning? Nah, Community?: Snip It #18

I want to clone myself. This is the time of year, I would love a clone. A clone, to do half my work load, the boring half of course. But, if it were a clone, then would we share thoughts? It is an interesting idea, cloning. Of course if I could clone, it would take 48 years to look like me, think like me, be able to know what I know. So really, a clone would not help me. I need a helper. Actually, I need to ask for help, which is something, I rarely do, because I am a control freak. I know this about myself, I like to know things are being done right.

This weekend, I have had to ask for help, because I do not have a clone. I literally, can not be, in in two places at once. I will be in Dallas at the Future City competition on Saturday. My Quiz Bowl teams will be competing for our second spot at Nationals, in Houston. I have asked several parents to chaperone this event. I trust them, I have full confidence in my team and parents. But, it bugs me that I can't be there. I just have to put all my energy, into Future City ( have been working since August. Quiz Bowl will fall into place, I got it covered. Asking for help is difficult, but unavoidable at times. Clones may seem like a good idea, but, I see how building a community you trust and can rely on, is far more beneficial, then cloning oneself, ever will be.

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